What is the Happiness Mécénat?

‘Mécénat’ is French for ‘applying or supporting culture and art’, derived from the name Maecaenas, a figure of the ancient Roman Empire, who contributed greatly to literary protections. Currently, corporations are contributing to society through their support of culture and art and it is also deployed worldwide as a campaign to contribute to national and regional competitiveness.

Happiness Mécénat stands for organizations, businesses and individuals who contribute to Happiness Insight to make organizations and society happier.

Corporation Happiness Mécénat

Corporation Happiness Mécénat stands for organizations and companies that participated in the “Happiness Seat Sharing Project’ with a common mindset.

Happiness Seat Sharing Project

The Happiness Seat Sharing Project aims to create a healthy and happy organization and society with the organizations and businesses that share the same purpose in social contribution.

Not only will happiness be gifted to the core of this Happiness Sharing Project, the staff members and the customers, but it is also a Happiness Mécénat Enterprise that contributes to the balanced development of culture and art that will make society happy.

Corporation Happiness Mécénat Benefits

  • 1) Happiness Seats will be prepared for the employees and customers within the corporation.
  • 2) Creating a Happy Network between the Companies within the Corporation Happiness Mécénat
  • 3) Enhance and promote the image of the company’s social contribution

Corporation Happiness Mécénat Registration Inquiries:

E-mail : happiness@leeconvention.com
Tel : +82-51-711-0055

Individual Happiness Mécénat

By becoming a member of the Individual Mécénat, you not only support the event but you also contribute to the happiness of the Republic of Korea by taking the initiative to participate in “Happiness Insight”.
It is the easiest and most active way to contribute to making, not just me, but everyone happy.

Individual Happiness Mécénat Benefits

  • 1) 2 Happiness Seats Provided (You as an Individual Happiness Mécénat Member and one companion)
  • 2) Parallel Event : Green Life Show (Free Entrance)