Happiness Insight 2020 Registration
Registrant Information
(*)mark must be filled in the blanks
ID Check
*Confirm Password
*First (Given) Name & Last Name
*Job Categories
Job Title
*Mobile (A URL link will be sent to the email and number you signed up and be sure to enter '-' of your phone number.)
*Happiness Lighting Ceremony will be live-streamed at 7pm(KST) on Dec 22(Tue). Please click the participation button if you are able to attend the event at that time.
Happiness Insight 2020 Secretariat will use your personal information for the purpose of processing early registration.
The collected information required only to fulfill its mission and does not provide it to any 3rd parties.
¤· Items of collected information(Mandatory) will be including Name(Korean/English), Profession, Entity, Job Title,
Mobile Phone Number, E-mail, Nationality and Gender.
¤· Retention Period of Personal Information is going to be 1 month (will be scrapped after retention period) on the
official website. The personal information before the destruction will not be used in the other purposes but the

You are allowed to refuse the consent of the selective collection and use of your personal information. However, there
will be a limitation with the online attendance in this forum without the consent.
¤· Items of collected information(Mandatory) will be including Name(Korean/English), Profession, Entity, Job Title,
Mobile Phone number, E-mail, Nationality and Gender.
¤· Retention of Personal Information is going to be remained before you do disagree.
¡Ø If there is a change in the consent of use in marketing, the updated information will be delivered via Happiness Insight official website.